I’ve been home in BC, Canada for a week now and it’s been lovely to chill, relax and spend time with family 🙂 The things that make me happiest in life x
We celebrated my daughter’s 30th birthday (I have a 30 year old! How did that happen?)
My wife had the honey to do list ready for me. I love being home and catching up on these little projects x
We also started underwater escape training again in my water tank. After my next two weeks in the Caribbean I head to Oregon and Washington States to perform my full evening show at the Four Rivers Cultural Centre and Gesa PowerHouse Theatre. The water tank escape (as performed on BGT, Penn & Teller Fool Us and the Late Late Show) is a feature in my theatre show but it’s been almost 2 years since I was locked in the tank…YIKES!!!
I had some new props delivered to Matt Johnson HQ so I’ve been busy rehearsing those.
Flying tonight to JFK then on to Columbia where I join the beautiful Celebrity Beyond cruise ship again for 12 days.
All in all life continues to be busy for me and I love it!
To everyone out there thanks so much for your continued support and remember…Never Give Up!